相信{音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨因該很多人都聽過也滿多人有購買,但是
超值推薦>多功能 而且在我發現的這個網站購買送貨速度快又有折扣,真是省下很多
Ready For Any Headphone
Both Magni 2 and Magni 2 Uber are ready for any headphone, from IEMs to hard-to-drive orthodynamics. Switchable gain provides the fine control and low noise floor you need for sensitive headphones, as well as the power you need for hard-to-drive high-impedance headphones and orthos.
Even Better Sound and Performance
Both Magni 2 and Magni 2 Uber use a newly refined, fully discrete, constant-feedback gain stage. Yeah, we know, it sounds like engineering. But it’s important. Not only are Magni 2 and Magni 2 Uber the only fully-discrete amps in their price class, they also use a new gain stage with constant feedback across the entire audio band. No op-amp can claim to do this. In addition, Magni 2 Uber’s gain stage is even more sophisticated, for higher performance. Both are fully DC coupled, with no capacitors in the signal path.
A Complete Desktop Control Center: Magni 2 Uber
If you need preamp outputs for powered desktop monitors (or for connecting to any power amplifier), or if you want even more power and performance, step up to Magni 2 Uber. With a more sophisticated gain stage and 3x larger power下殺 supply, it delivers power and performance far beyond anything at its price.
Made in USA
By “made in USA,” we mean made in USA. The vast majority of the total production cost of Magni 2 and Magni 2 Uber—chassis, boards, assembly, etc—goes to US companies manufacturing in the US. Our board house is 20 minutes away from our office, and our chassis guys are just over the hill in the Valley. Yep, the wall warts are from China, but there you go. There is some give and take to reach this price point.
Magni 2
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-200KHz, -3dB
Maximum Power, 16 ohms: 1.8W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1.2W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 1.0W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 300 ohms: 260mW RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 130mW RMS per channel
THD: Less than 0.003%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 1V RMS
IMD: Less t好康han 0.004%, CCIF
SNR: Greater than 102db, unweighted, referenced 達人 to 1V RMS
Crosstalk: -70dB, 20 Hz-20KHz
Output Impedance: Less than 0.2 ohms
Gain: 1.5 (3db) or 6 (15.6db), selectable via rear switch
Topology: Fully discrete FET/bipolar, constant feedback through audio band, Class AB, DC coupled throughout
Protection: Standard failsafe DC power input and muting relay
Power Supply: “Wall wart” style 8VA 16VAC transformer, regulated +/- 15V rails with over 4,000uF filter capacitance
Power Consumption: 4W
Size: 5 x 3.5 x 1.25”
Weight: 1 lb
Magni 2 Uber
Frequency Response: 20Hz-20Khz, -0.1db, 2Hz-250KHz, -3dB
Maximum Power, 16 ohms: 2.1W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 32 ohms: 1.5W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 50 ohms: 1.2W RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 300 ohms: 320mW RMS per channel
Maximum Power, 600 ohms: 160mW RMS per channel
THD: Less than 0.002%, 20Hz-20KHz, at 1V RMS
IMD: Less than 0.003%, CCIF
SNR: Greater than 104db, unweighted, referenced to 1V RMS
Crosstalk: -70dB, 20 Hz-20KHz
Output Impedance: Less than 0.2 ohms
Gain: 1.5 (3db) or 6 (15.6db), selectable via rear switch
Preamp Output: Yes, controlled by volume pot and switched via headphone jack
Topology: Fully discrete FET/bipolar, constant feedback through audio band, complementary VAS drive, Class AB, DC coupled throughout
Protection: Standard failsafe DC power input and muting relay
Power Supply: “Wall wart” style 24VA 14VAC transformer, regulated +/- 16V rails, with over 6,000uf filter capacitance
Power Consumption: 5W
Size: 5 x 3.5 x 1.25”
Weight: 1 lb
{音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 討論,推薦,開箱,CP值,熱賣,團購,便宜,優惠,介紹,排行,精選,特價,周年慶,體驗,限時
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{音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 推薦, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 討論, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 部落客, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 比較評比, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 使用評比, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 開箱文, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨?推薦, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 評測文, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 CP值, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 評鑑大隊, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 部落客推薦, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 好用嗎?, {音悅音響MUSIC HI-FI}美國 Schiit Audio MAGNI 2 音悅代理 公司貨 去哪買?
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